Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Of Random Drives and Jacaranda trees

A random drive through Carrindale. Well, not so random maybe since we had to find a way out of there anyway. Joel had some project to do with his friend who lives there, hence, the not-so-random-after-all visit to the suburb of Carrindale.

I had a good time admiring the beautiful and extremely expensive-looking buildings that some people call their HOMES.

Carrindale, a pretty suburb with even prettier houses.

I like how those jacaranda trees (the ones with the purple flowers) line up along both sides of the road. It gives you a sort of calm soothing feeling as you drive pass them. Beautiful things.

I here by declare the jacaranda flower as the national flower of Australia.
I'm thinking it already is, but just in case it isn't.

1 comment:

Eugene Guok said...

This picture looked like a small plastic house pic where saleperson uses it as sample to sell houses..xP